The Tale of An Introverted, Risk-Averse Entrepreneur: Yep - That’s Me! 

“What’s the greater risk? Letting go of what people think – or letting go of how I feel, what I believe, and who I am?” Brené Brown


If you know me (IRL), you may not realize that I am kind of an introvert. I usually come across as a social extrovert, but sometimes I talk non-stop because I dread an awkward silence! Can you relate??? But, internally, I sometimes feel a little guarded or uncomfortable in social situations.  I think this is true for a lot of people out there, but many of us are usually too afraid to talk about it and tend to think I’m the only one who feels this way.

My energy often comes from being alone in a quiet space (maybe that has something to do with having three kids and a dog!) and after being in a group, I require time by myself to recharge. I also struggle with social anxiety, which can be a bit embarrassing to admit.  Of course, I want to appear always confident and social, but that’s not reality. I moved around a lot as a kid, so I was always the new kid, entering new schools, knowing no one. I thought these experiences would make me more extroverted, but I think the opposite happened — I became a bit more guarded.

Being an introvert and struggling with some social anxiety has sort of made me risk-averse at times. I know - hard to believe for a female entrepreneur! But, I have a hard time putting myself out there and being vulnerable, even when it comes to my business. 

However, when I am feeling stuck or fearful of new situations or experiences, I often find that if I just SHOW UP, I’ve already conquered half the battle. If I can just push past the initial fear, I usually find something beautiful or exciting on the other side. 

Ways I’ve overcome my aversion to risk-taking:

Recognizing my accomplishments:

This sounds so simple, but it’s way too easy to be hard on ourselves. I often focus on all of the things I didn’t accomplish or get done instead of celebrating successes along the way. This is something I am still working on for sure! I need constant reminders to take the time to celebrate the small victories! 

If you struggle with this too, take time to note some of the things you’ve accomplished. Write it down. Share it with a friend, a group or partner. Maybe this means grabbing a special coffee or going to dinner when something great happens for you personally or in your work life. 

Getting out of my comfort zone:

I probably put myself out there and take risks more than I think. Even sharing my feelings here on the blog and on social media, isn’t always easy for me.  But I do it because it helps me sort through what I’m going through and I hope it can help others see that we are all more similar than we think. 

In fact, it’s much easier to write a blog post and stay “behind-the-screen” rather than have real conversations. So, in addition to sharing my life on this blog, I have joined professional organizations and groups in Milwaukee that connect me to other entrepreneurs who share my struggles and accomplishments. This has pushed me to grow and share both on-screen and off.

Showing up Over and over:

“Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.” Brené Brown

How many emails have I sent reaching out to new stores, spas, and yoga studios, and have not heard back? 

More than I can count! 

While this is frustrating, I know that I have to keep showing up. Finding the right fit and timing for Bird’s Tail takes consistent communication and courage to share my brand. 

Being an entrepreneur is challenging and rewarding. Here’s what I’ve learned.

Realizing that Courage and vulnerability are the keys to success:

I’ve learned that by not taking risks, I take the biggest risk of all—the chance that I’ll miss out on something amazing. 

Is risk-taking scary? Yes! 

Am I good at it? No! 

It’s something I have to work on EVERY day. So from this introvert to all of you other introverts out there, I hope this encourages you to take a risk (or two!), too. Go do something that scares you just a little bit. The reward will be worth it.