Celebrating Women Beyond International Women’s Day: The Abundance Mindset

“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.” — unknown


I don’t know about you, but I have been so inspired by all of the social media posts and messages of encouragement surrounding International Women’s Day (IWD). As women, we are all stronger when we’re united than when we’re separate. Celebrating this past weekend was a great way to honor the importance of women in our lives because empowered women truly empower other women.

However, I think we need reminders and positive messages about celebrating all that it means to be a woman and the importance of female encouragement beyond just one day per year. And I hope I can contribute to that goal in some small way.

Enter the Abundance Mindset

Have you heard of it???

Well, the Abundance Mindset means that you believe that there is enough for everyone. That there is enough wealth and success to go around; it’s not a competition. 

I have seen this in my own life. When I believe and manifest my dreams, they can and do become a reality. As women, we cannot do life alone. We need the support of other women. We all crave to feel a sense of understanding and connection with others. That’s inevitably what we seek as human beings. 

And we can sometimes (me included!) be quick to judge one another or consider one another competition. But really, and truly, community over competition is so so important! We are all individually amazing, but we are even better when we put our skills and talents together.

“If you want love and abundance in your life, give it away.” — Mark Twain

Practicing the Abundance Mindset

Positivity is contagious. When we believe there is room for all of us, it truly affects the group as a whole. Exclusion and competition have no place in an abundance mindset. Women who have each other’s backs and build a sense of community with one another are those who will truly reap the benefits.

Here are some small (but really BIG) ways you can practice the abundance mindset. 

  • Start with a gratitude practice. Feeling grateful for what we have helps us to see the world from the abundance mindset perspective rather than the “lack of” mindset. 

  • Surround yourself with others who practice the abundance mindset. We are most like the five people we spend most of our time with; who you spend time with matters. Surrounding yourself with positive people will make a difference in your overall mindset.

  • When you find yourself feeling jealous about what another woman has, stop yourself, and consider why you feel that way. Reframe your thoughts and train your mind to stop the negative self-talk and focus on the positive instead.

Find Your Tribe

As a woman business owner I sometimes feel isolated and can fall into the trap of comparing myself to other business owners who are doing more, finding success quicker, etc. 

One way I have found my tribe and combatted this loneliness is through a local group of other female business owners called Biz + Bond. We meet quarterly to celebrate our wins, talk about our struggles and support one another through conversation and learning. This group has been such a positive light in my life where I see the abundance mindset in practice.

How can we spread the love beyond IWD Day?

One small way we can extend the positive impact of International Women’s Day is to consistently reach out to other females whether in person or email or social media and let them know that you noticed something wonderful that they did or are doing. Let another woman know that you are thinking of them or have their back. Words of encouragement can go a long way! And if we can do it consistently, the practice becomes a positive mindset, a positive habit.

Join me in spreading the love beyond International Women’s Day by leaving notes on social media and complimenting women in real life.

Treating one another well both in-person and virtually means everything.

Check out our goddess collection — which is inspired by what it means to be unique and strong women working together!