2020 We Are Coming for Ya'!

It’s January, so naturally it seems as though everyone is making resolutions, setting intentions, choosing a word or words of the year and setting goals. Personally, I love setting intentions and a new year offers a fresh start and really motivates me to reach for new goals. 

Just like I set personal goals, every year we set goals for Bird’s Tail too. 

And one of our main intentions for 2020 is to make an even more positive impact as a brand.

Empowered Women Empower Women

We are passionate about helping women feel beautiful and confident in their skin and in 2020 we want to make sure we feature women of all shapes, sizes, colors and ages as our models in our photos online and in our social media feed. We want REAL women to see themselves in our images and in our jewelry - to feel like they are represented and celebrated. 

After Breast Cancer Diagnosis Mission

Last year I had my ah-ha moment watching Kendra Scott speak at a Milwaukee Tempo event, so we made it our Bird’s Tail mission to give back in a philanthropic way. 

From October to December 2019, we were able to donate 149 pieces of jewelry to women who are battling breast cancer! And we plan to keep going.

In 2020 it is our intention to continue to work with After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (ABCD). With every online order, we will donate a piece of jewelry to a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. My life has personally been touched by breast cancer as my mother was diagnosed just a couple years ago, so ABCD’s mission really hits home with me and my family. 

Giving Back in the Community

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill

In 2019 we were able to donate over $7,000 worth of jewelry (!!) to ABCD, school fundraisers, wellness and women’s events and fundraisers. As a small business, we are so proud to be able to say ‘yes’ when asked for donations in our local community. 

In 2020 we want to say ‘yes’ even more. When everyone gives back we all feel the impact of it.

Social Responsibility is Everyone’s Responsibility

Making a positive impact means being socially responsible. As a small business owner with a platform, it is my responsibility (and our collective responsibility of anyone who has a voice in the community or through social media) to make a positive impact on this world. We can all do our part no matter how big or small. 

At the end of the day, it’s not about how much money you make or all that you’ve accomplished — it’s about the lives you have impacted. It’s about how you can make the world a better place. I pledge to do my part to raise awareness of breast cancer, to promote wellness and self-care, to build community and just to spread a little joy and love. 

What Can You Do?

Put your money where your mouth is. It may cost a little more to purchase something from a small boutique or handmade shop, but you are supporting a dream and a family. Buy local and shop small. It truly makes a difference. I know, firsthand!

Research before you buy. Do a little homework before you invest your hard-earned dollars with a brand or company - are they environmentally responsible? Do they give back to the community? Do you support the messages that their brand is putting into the world?

Get involved. Find your cause and make a difference. We find ourselves giving to food pantries and charities around the holidays, but there are so many wonderful organizations and businesses that need our help all year long

THINKING Big in 2020!

In 2020, Bird’s Tail is going to soar to new heights by intentionally supporting women. We are giving back like never before and the sky is truly the limit. 

My dream of being an entrepreneur and owning a small business is a dream come true. I get to wake up every morning and do what I love. Of course, there are struggles and challenges, but I get to help other women, to make them feel beautiful and more confident. And that is invaluable and worth every struggle to me. 

Make connections and set intentions for 2020!

Grab your girlfriends this Galentine’s day and join us to make connections and set intentions at our
Mala Making Workshop!

Where: Bird’s Tail Studio

When: Galentine’s Day, February 13th. 

Save the date and get a girlfriend or two to join you. Grab your seat soon as this is one of our most popular events and it will sell out!

We can’t wait to see you!